i am tir
ed of people hiding behind masks.. or worrying so much about what others think about them. i can not believe how blind i have been in my life. sometimes i hate how naieve i can be, how trusting i can be, of words people say to me, of things that people tell me. what is even worse is how eas

y it is for people to lie. people find it 'easier' to do, and it makes me sick. people are so wrapped up in their lies, that they dont even realize it. i mean, i can not believe how much i thought i knew about people, and through things they do, or have done i realize how much i dont actually know about them. i am sure that this is not just me who has experienced this, and i am not saying that i am going to 'stop seeing the good in people', because well, that is just me. but i just

wish that people could be more honest with one another, i mean time will tell, the truth always prevails, and will come out. stop trying to sugar coat who you are, to impress people. cut the bull, be who you are, and if people dont like you, it is their loss. honesty is the best policy.. right??