Three People Who Make Me Laugh:1. jodie 2. dwayne 3. karen
Three Things I Love:1. the sun 2. laughter 3. a good book
Three Things I Hate:1. when i am laying down and people touch my feet 2. bad days 3. liars
Three Things I don't Understand:1. why more people don't put their trust in God 2. why people always feel the need to be in a hurry all the time 3. any type of technology.. modern or ancient.. like how DOES it actually work?
Three Things on my Desk:1. my desk at school: kinder surprise toy 2. childrens dance CDs 3. a stapler
Three Things I'm doing right now:1. writing this post 2. eating cheese pancakes for supper (yes i realize it is 10 pm) 3. listening to the insanely loud hum of my fridge
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:1. run a marathon or triathalon 2. learn spanish 3. go do a mission- trip for more than a month
Three Things I Can Do:1. teach.. well, sort of :) 2. say the alphabet backwards 3. play sports
Three Things I Can't Do:1. speak any language even close to as proficiently as i speak english (which sometimes isn't all that well) 2. fix my car 3. sing very well
Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:1. the Bible 2. your conscience 3. your family and friends
Three Things You Should Never Listen To:1. hypocrites 2. liars 3. the voices in your head
Three Things I'd Like To Learn:1. spanish 2. dutch 3. how to fix my car.. or at least understand better what could possibly be the problem
Three Favorite Foods:1. krokets 2. boorkole (totally spelt that wrong) 3. corn dogs
Three Shows I watched as a kid:1. mr dress up 2. today's special 3. punky brewster
Three People I'd Like to tag to do this post on their blog: all have you have done it so far except for karen, and she's got enough on her plate, but karen if you have time.. go nuts
Hey Leanne, Yes i blog a lot :) there isn't much to do around here. How are things going? I tried adding you on facebook but either it didn't work or you don't want to be my "friend". I'm hoping it just didn't work :) All of us will be in Edmonton this summer for the marathon (Kris is running it). Hope you are around then.
Okay I totally am afraid of centipedes too, something about them REALLY freaks me out, not just a bit, but when I see one walking, I am like terrified of all those legs.....
Oh and me you and joce should run a marathon together, We all want to do it before we die!
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