Wednesday, June 6, 2007
workin' 9 to 5

Monday, May 14, 2007
life as a carnivore

thank you chicken, thank you.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
inside jokes

Monday, May 7, 2007
mad hatters

Monday, April 30, 2007
off to gp

well it is not really far, or that exciting, but it is different, so it helps take the monotony out of a weekend. friday after school, me and some friends are heading over to grande prairie to party it up for the night, and do some shopping on saturday.. sure those of you in edmonton right now are like 'you are chosing grande prairie', but hey, it is something different than high prairie and it is a lot bigger, so i am sure we will have a great ole' time. it also helps to make the weekend feel longer, and not just like you sat at home all day and watched tv or slept (not that i really do either of those things), but anyways. i am rambling now. road trips are fun, and i am sure we'll have many great stories to tell.. anyone have any gooders to share?
Saturday, April 21, 2007
here comes the sun...?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
three things...

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:1. jodie 2. dwayne 3. karen
Three Things I Love:1. the sun 2. laughter 3. a good book
Three Things I Hate:1. when i am laying down and people touch my feet 2. bad days 3. liars
Three Things I don't Understand:1. why more people don't put their trust in God 2. why people always feel the need to be in a hurry all the time 3. any type of technology.. modern or ancient.. like how DOES it actually work?
Three Things on my Desk:1. my desk at school: kinder surprise toy 2. childrens dance CDs 3. a stapler
Three Things I'm doing right now:1. writing this post 2. eating cheese pancakes for supper (yes i realize it is 10 pm) 3. listening to the insanely loud hum of my fridge
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:1. run a marathon or triathalon 2. learn spanish 3. go do a mission- trip for more than a month
Three Things I Can Do:1. teach.. well, sort of :) 2. say the alphabet backwards 3. play sports
Three Things I Can't Do:1. speak any language even close to as proficiently as i speak english (which sometimes isn't all that well) 2. fix my car 3. sing very well
Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:1. the Bible 2. your conscience 3. your family and friends
Three Things You Should Never Listen To:1. hypocrites 2. liars 3. the voices in your head
Three Things I'd Like To Learn:1. spanish 2. dutch 3. how to fix my car.. or at least understand better what could possibly be the problem
Three Favorite Foods:1. krokets 2. boorkole (totally spelt that wrong) 3. corn dogs
Three Shows I watched as a kid:1. mr dress up 2. today's special 3. punky brewster
Three People I'd Like to tag to do this post on their blog: all have you have done it so far except for karen, and she's got enough on her plate, but karen if you have time.. go nuts
Saturday, April 7, 2007
happy easter

i just wanted to say happy Easter to everyone! and as you are chomping on your chocolate, and humming 'here comes peter cottontail', bring to mind the real meaning of Easter. this consumerism has really taken away from all that these holidays really are, and are suppose to be about. so before you pick up another of those delicious mini eggs whisper a prayer of thanks for the sacrifice Jesus made for you.
He was despised and rejected by men, a
man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. isaiah 53: 3-5
He was despised and rejected by men, a

Thursday, March 29, 2007
high prairie high

i am just so greatful for the friends that i have made up here.. i dont know what i would do without them.. the staff, the radio guy.. along with whatever family of his happens to be visiting. i dont know how i could have made it here without them, it has made it an awesome experience to be up here. sure i have no clue what i will be doing next year, but thanks all of you who i have met up here, because you have made it great. (from left to right: gio [raffs godson], me, shalaylee, dr.corona, and the crazy italian in the back, is raff, RT himself, tiffany is missing, but i will have to get a pic of us all together)
in like a lion, out like a lamb

Monday, March 12, 2007
good news

Thursday, March 8, 2007

not really sure where i am going with this blog, but i found some icons that i liked, and i wanted to post them. this has been a very interesting year for me.. i suppose all that i have to say is that God is great, and i wake up everyday just trying to live by his will. i am really not sure what that all involves for me at

2 corinthians 4:16-18
therefore we do not lose heart. though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. for our light and moment

hair hair long beautiful hair
greys anatomy

well, i tried my best folks, i really didnt want to get hooked to any tv show while i was here, but last weekend my team and me went to lacrete (6 hours north of high prairie [9.5 hours north of edmonton]) well, one of the gals put on the season 2 dvd of greys anatomy one night, and we watched about 3 episodes. then on the way back home, she was watching it again, i asked if anyone was watching it with her 'miss v, i got you hooked' 'no, i am not hooked'. needless to say after watching six straight hours of it, i was indeed hooked. now i want to see season 1 and the rest of season 2, i am a season 3 virgin, but tonight i plan on popping that cherry.. whoo hoo (oh no, i have become exactly what i did not want to become- so why do i love it so much?) haha.. anyone else out there like greys??
m-a-d spells mad

well this icon isnt the MAD that i was trying to portray, but it was cute, so i thought i would use it. i am actually MAD at the fact that i can only access my blog about once a week, IF i can get the laptop, because our school has blogspot blocked! i was ticked when i found out.. so i will do a few posts and sorry to all for the slow replies (if this is a group of friends, can i be the giraffe, he's so cute)
Thursday, February 22, 2007
pants on fire

Monday, February 19, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
these days

not to say that i dont do any of the following things, because clearly i do, and often. but it is sad that these days people barely interact with other people. but let me clarify. people communicate with other people ALOT these days, but interaction in a truely meaningful way is becoming few and far between. instead of meeting up with people, we call them, and if that is too invasive we decide to text them instead, so they can read it whenever they are free. or going on messenger, but who of you doesnt have about 100 contacts, but really you only chat with 5 or so people on a regular basis. AND if you dont feel like chatting you can write BUSY or AWAY, so people will feel less oblidged to talk to you. or of course you can email people, and wait for them to respond, again less invasive, as they can reply on their own time. and now this new phenomena of 'blogging' where you can keep in touch, and learn about the other person, but again not really a soul searching good ole conversation (not to say it isnt fun- and sort of ironic that i am making this statement ON a blog). we are becoming more and more distant with eachother and it is sad, we rarely ACTUALLY interact with our friends anymore... and why? for convenience.. we are all 'too busy'.. or what? so i say- lets actually dial a number a little more often instead of just a text.. lets make time for one another, because it is through interactions not just communications that we can strengthen our bonds as friends.... i feel like someone should yell 'here here' right now.. but maybe i make no sense and no one agrees with me.. well, thats my rant, i am going to bed
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

i know that this is only my first year and everything, but it is bad sometimes how 'teaching is just a mere result of what happens while i am looking forward to the next day off'.. sometimes i need to catch myself and think 'hey- focus here, these children need your 100% effort'. not to say i dont give them that, but ya, sometimes i need to focus on the now, and not so much the 'long weekend ahead'. well, this happens in everyday life too i suppose.. planning ahead, looking forward to tomorrow. as the band the grassroots say in one song "sha-la- la-la-la-la, live for today", AMEN...well about teaching though-this semester is pretty sweet, because i can come home a lot more. heck, i was home last weekend, and i will be home again this weekend. and the weather is getting warmer as spring is creeping nearer-saweet!!!
ps- this is my school's logo- go saints!!!
ps- this is my school's logo- go saints!!!
so here i am, i have joined in finally.. i said that i would wait until i had time, but it is like anything- 'when will 'time' ever be 'enough'. so i figured, why not start today? on the day of lovers, why not i start this wonderful thing everso romantically called BLOGGING
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